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Calm Sea


Ode to Daddy

Yesterday we took a day to honor “dad.”  We gave love to our own dad, kissed our husband and let him “play” for the day, helped the kids make glittery cards, and carefully wrapped the gadget he’s been…

Raising Motivated Kids

We’re in the home stretch, folks. Parents and children all across Austin are dragging themselves through these last few weeks of the school year.  The sheer number of class parties, graduations, talent shows, teachers’ gifts, and field trips…

Rescuing Romance

I was fortunate to spend this past Saturday morning with some wonderful couples in my “Parenting Together” workshop. Being in the presence of their love and commitment, as well as their struggle and pain, was a truly beautiful experience for me..

Ghosts from the Past

“Life’s unfair” “Act your age!” “Because I said so!” “Don’t make me come over there…” “I said, SIT DOWN!” As our children grow and become more adept at challenging our boundaries, an incredible thing happens. Our kind language…“Life’s unfair” “Act your age!” “Because I said so!” “Don’t make me come over there…” “I said, SIT DOWN!” As our children grow and become more adept at challenging our boundaries, an incredible thing happens. Our kind language and “mindful” parenting get sucked out the window and are replaced by some angry glares and old classics like those above.....

How much do you love me?

Happy Valentine’s Day!  I love celebrating Valentine’s Day with my family. I use this day each year as an annual reminder to share with each person in my family how dear they are to me and the many…

The Orchid Child

Last month a great article written by David Dobbs was published in The Atlantic. It discusses research in genetics that is exploring the idea of “orchid children.”

This research contends that those children who struggle the most in early childhood – have the most tantrums, “negative” behaviors, are highly sensitive, willfully rejecting guidance and limit-setting, have the capacity to grow up to be society’s most extraordinary people….if given the right environment to grow and thrive. These are the “orchid” children.

Wrapping Presence

“I forgot to remember!”
When my daughter was younger she used this phrase during her “a-ha!” moments. I thought it was adorable then, but as I’ve reflected on family and the holidays over the past week preparing for this newsletter, I was struck by the truth in this statement.

Haunted by Candy

Yesterday morning the candy left our house.  All of it.  The children said their goodbyes, my husband and I stole our last and final Kit-Kat and Reese’s, and then my husband took the loot to work to pawn…

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